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Java String

In java, String is a final class. which is inherit from object class.  

we can use final keyword against variable, function and class. if you use final keyword against a variable, then the variable will be constant. 

if you use final keyword against class, then it can not be inherited, and if you use it against function , then you cannot be overridden the function. 

So from above discussion, we can say String is a class which cannot be inherited .

a) Creation of  String :

String s= "hello"

b) Calculate length of the String 

int l= s.length();

c) Access the element with respect of index:

char c= s.charAt(i), where i represents the index

if you want access all the element from a string then we can use either use for loop or for-each loop

ex. for loop





d) Convert String to Character Array

Char t[]=s.tocharArray();

Thank you, keep learning



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