Problem 1 : Addition without arithmetic operator
def addition(a,b):
return a
def main():
a=int(input("enter first number"))
b=int(input("enter second number"))
print("sum is", int(addition(a,b)))
Code (python)
def longest_substring_with_k_distinct(str, k):
window_start = 0
max_length = 0
char_frequency = {}
# in the following loop we'll try to extend the range [window_start, window_end]
for window_end in range(len(str)):
right_char = str[window_end]
if right_char not in char_frequency:
char_frequency[right_char] = 0
char_frequency[right_char] += 1
# shrink the sliding window, until we are left with 'k' distinct characters in the char_frequency
while len(char_frequency) > k:
left_char = str[window_start]
char_frequency[left_char] -= 1
if char_frequency[left_char] == 0:
del char_frequency[left_char]
window_start += 1 # shrink the window
# remember the maximum length so far
max_length = max(max_length, window_end-window_start + 1)
return max_length
def main():
print("Length of the longest substring: " + str(longest_substring_with_k_distinct("araaci", 2)))
print("Length of the longest substring: " + str(longest_substring_with_k_distinct("araaci", 1)))
print("Length of the longest substring: " + str(longest_substring_with_k_distinct("cbbebi", 3)))
Problem 3
Given an array of characters where each character represents a fruit tree, you are given two baskets and your goal is to put maximum number of fruits in each basket. The only restriction is that each basket can have only one type of fruit. (Concept)
Code #
Here is what our
algorithm will look like,
def fruits_into_baskets(fruits):
window_start = 0
max_length = 0
fruit_frequency = {}
# try to extend the range [window_start, window_end]
for window_end in range(len(fruits)):
right_fruit = fruits[window_end]
if right_fruit not in fruit_frequency:
fruit_frequency[right_fruit] = 0
fruit_frequency[right_fruit] += 1
# shrink the sliding window, until we are left with '2' fruits in the fruit frequency dictionary
while len(fruit_frequency) > 2:
left_fruit = fruits[window_start]
fruit_frequency[left_fruit] -= 1
if fruit_frequency[left_fruit] == 0:
del fruit_frequency[left_fruit]
window_start += 1 # shrink the window
max_length = max(max_length, window_end-window_start + 1)
return max_length
def main():
print("Maximum number of fruits: " + str(fruits_into_baskets(['A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'C'])))
print("Maximum number of fruits: " + str(fruits_into_baskets(['A', 'B', 'C', 'B', 'B', 'C'])))
Problem 4
Sort (easy)
Problem Statement
We are given an array containing ‘n’ objects. Each object, when created, was assigned a unique number from 1 to ‘n’ based on their creation sequence. This means that the object with sequence number ‘3’ was created just before the object with sequence number ‘4’. (Concept)
Python Code
def cyclic_sort(nums):
i = 0
while i < len(nums):
j = nums[i] - 1
if nums[i] != nums[j]:
nums[i], nums[j] = nums[j], nums[i] # swap
i += 1
return nums
def main():
print(cyclic_sort([3, 1, 5, 4, 2]))
print(cyclic_sort([2, 6, 4, 3, 1, 5]))
print(cyclic_sort([1, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2]))
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