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Abstract of Three Project



Abstract of Three Project

Online Payroll System

Objectives of the project:

The main aim of this project is have a fully automated pay-roll system. This fully user friendly software will make the whole pay-roll system speedier and will guarantee on time salary to employees without any redundancy and delays. Moreover, it will certainly reduce the time, money and effort wasted in manual searching for leaves, deductions, grade allocation and designation allocation.

Existing System:

The Existing system is in fact very slow and highly delays prone. As the data stored is done manually, it takes a lot of time to process any query regarding information of any employee. The financial head has to search for a particular employee grade, leaves, designation and calculate the deductions before issuing him the pay slip. It requires huge man power if the organization is having a good number of employees. Due to manual operations, inconsistency in data management may prevail which can create faulty pay slips.

Proposed system:

The proposed software will remove any kind of redundancies and inconsistencies prevailing in the existing system by providing a fully computerized pay roll management system. The software will hold all the employee’s personal details, along with his grade, designation, leaves and other deductions. The reports and the pay slips can be generated with a single mouse click. The GUI of the software is very user friendly, easy to navigate and can easily be managed by a non tech-savvy person.

System specifications:


There are essentially two modules of this software which are further broken into sub-modules;

1.      Registration module: In this module, new entries will be created and modified. It is broken into five sub modules:

·         Employee Master: Here all the details of the employee like address, DOB, Date of joining are stored here. He is allotted grade and designation through this module.

·         Deductions master: Here all the deductions will be calculated. Leave deductions, tax deductions and other deductions are inserted here.

·         Department master: New departments are added here and updations and modifications to existing departments are done here.

·         Designation Master: It enables the admin to create new designation corresponding to a particular department.

·         Grade Master: Here new grades can be created as well as allocated to the existing employees.


2.      Reports Module: The reports module is responsible for report generation based on the specified category. The categories are employee wise reports, grade wise reports, department wise reports, grade wise repots and pay-slip report. Pay-slip generation is also responsibility of this module.

Hardware configuration

Processor speed          233 MHz or above

RAM                            128 MB

Monitor                       Standard color Monitor

Hard disk                     20 GB

Floppy drive                1.44 MB

CD drive                      32 Hz

Key board                    108 keys keyboard

Mouse                         Scrollable 3 buttons


Software configuration

Operating system       Windows 95/98/NT/2000

Language                    Java (JDK), Servlets (JSDK), JavaMail

GUI                              HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Backend                      Oracle

Web Server                 Java Web Server 2.0

Database Connectivity   JDBC

Web Browser                    Internet Explorer



Online medical Booking Store


The main objective of this system is to take the whole medical store online so that it is reachable to customers 24/7. It also aims at going towards cashless transactions. It will impart a wider visibility to the customers. Thus boosting the business to higher levels. The software will be a web based system with a very user friendly interface which indeed will make the whole management process easy to manage and operate with zero redundancies. Overall online medical booking store will become an efficient, highly responsive and an extremely accurate system.

Existing System:

The existing system is time consuming and requires more man power to function well. Secondly the scope of offline medical store is limited to local area and is available for fixed timing. All the data management involving product availability , searching , billing and other report generation are done manually which indeed are very time consuming.


Proposed System:

The proposed system will completely Revolutionize the industry. Searching of products, order placing, billing and product stock can be maintained by a single click. The order placed can be easily tracked At any time. The payment of the order can also be done by credit cards.


System Specifications:

This system is essentially divides into six modules:

1.    Administrator module: admin has been granted full access with complete permissions towards the system. He is essentially responsible for creating, deleting and modifying any product into the inventory. He has full authority to delete any user account. He can view and send reply to user’s messages. Report generation can be done by admin by selecting a time frame from calendar.

2.    Visitor module: The visitor will be greeted on the home page. He can view about us page and signup/login page. He can navigate around the products but cannot place order.

3.    User module: when a visitor signups for the website, he becomes the user. Now he can not only search around the products but also can place order and do the payment. Change of password and logout are also displayed in this module.

4.    Payment module: payment can also be done by credit cards. The software is so designed that it will not remember the credit card credentials.

5.    Shopping cart module: This module offers to add, delete and modify the products in the cart. After this shopping cart module will be redirected towards payment module.

6.    Discussion Board module: Here communication follows between users and administrator. A user can send messages or complaints to admin and admin sends replies to users.

Hardware Configuration

Operating System                    windows

Modem                                      33.6 kbps

Hard disk                                   40GB

RAM                                            512 MB (server) and 256 MB(client)

Processor.                                   2.77 GHz Pentium 4

Software requirements


Software                                            JDK 1.4 J2EE Enterprise edition

Database                                           Oracle

Web server                                       Web Logic 7.0            

database connectivity.                    JDBC/ODBC

GUI.                                                     HTML/CSS

Programming Language.                  Java




The primary objective of this library system is to maintain the records of the books and various documents which are available under the library room and to maintain the database of the students who will take the services of their library campus. There will be different type of users who will use this system in order to perform processing task and other administrative task apart from the students. Students will be provided with two options while accessing this system and these two are: Login and Register. For the very first time users (student), they have to register by using this system and their account will be verified by the librarian.                                                                                                                            Processing wok will be handled by the three layers which are tomcat server layer, application server layer which is jdbc odbc and the third one is database layer. Some of the default settings will be enforced while using the system such as listing of requested records in the ascending order and as per category wise. The primary objective of this enforcement is to make easy access to all information. The listing of books will be provided along with their front images with search and browse options. To display the exact location of books, a virtual mapping system has been implemented to find any book easily.

Existing System:

Previously the system was not able to overcome from the problem of data redundancy which in turn increases the burden of background processing. All working departments were not integrated with each other, by which manual work has to be done to make all task done. Any students who have fined, they need to submit their library card for final billing and provide account pay slip to confirm their due fees. Due to this problem students were not free to take out books from library until they have cleared their dues.

Proposed System:

In this new system, the problem of forgetting password or facing problem while login has been resolved and will automatically handle by the system itself. Students will also able to take print out or download pages of particular book either in pdf or in xml format. One to one and one to many relationship has been implemented to eliminate the process of data redundancy and maintain consistency. An inbuilt function within this system will able to provide the entire day transactions for each end day which will improve the auditing process. The CMS part of the library system can be inserted with video lectures which can be accessed by the system or a private messages can be send to the students to make them inform about new books under the library room.





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