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Ethical Hacking : Penetration Testing


Penetration Testing 

Penetration testing can be defined as a legal and authorized attempt to locate and successfully exploit computer systems for  the purpose of making those systems more secure. The process includes probing for vulnerabilities as well as providing proof of concept attacks to demonstrate the vulnerabilities are real. Proper penetration testing always ends with specific  recommendations for addressing and fixing the issues that were discovered during the test. On the whole, this process is used to help secure computers and networks against future attacks. The general idea is to find security issues by using the same tools and techniques as an attacker. These findings can then be mitigated before a real hacker exploits them. Penetration testing is also known as

1) Pen testing

2 )PT

3) Hacking

4)  Ethical hacking

5 )White hat hacking

6) Offensive security

7) Red teaming.

It is important to spend a few moments discussing the difference between penetration testing and vulnerability  assessment.  Many people (and vendors) inthe security community incorrectly use these terms interchangeably. A  vulnerability assessment is the process of reviewing services and systems for potential security issues, whereas a penetration test actually performs exploitation and Proof of Concept (PoC) attacks to prove that a security issue exists. Penetration tests go a step beyond vulnerability assessments by simulating hacker activity and delivering live payloads. In this book, we will cover the process of vulnerability assessment as one of the steps utilized to complete a penetration test.


Understanding all the various players and positions in the world of hacking and penetration testing is central to  comprehending the big picture. Let us start by painting the picture with broad brush strokes. 

In the pen testing world, it is not uncommon to hear the terms “white hat” and “black hat” to describe the Jedis and Siths. Throughout this book, the terms “white hat”, “ethical hacker”, or “penetration tester” will be used interchangeably to describe the Jedis or good guys. The Siths will be referred to as “black hats”, “crackers”, or “malicious attackers”. It is important to note that ethical hackers complete many of the same activities with many of the same tools as malicious attackers. In nearly every situation, anethical hacker should strive to act and think like a real black hat hacker. The closer the penetration test simulates a real-world attack, the more value it provides to the customer paying for the penetration testing (PT). 

The first and simplest way to differentiate between white hats and black hats is authorization. Authorization is the process of obtaining approval before conducting any tests or attacks. Once authorization is obtained, both the  penetration tester and the company being audited need to agree upon the scope of the test. The scope includes specific information about the resources and systems to be included in the test. The scope explicitly defines the authorized targets for the penetration tester. It is important that both sides fully understand the authorization and scope of the PT. White hats must always respect the authorization and remain within the scope of the test. Black hats will have no such constraints on the target list. 

The second way to differentiate between an ethical hacker and a malicious hacker is through examination of the attacker’s motivation. If the attacker is motivated or driven by personal gain, including profit through extortion or other devious methods of collecting money from the victim, revenge, fame, or the like, he or she should be considered a black hat. However, if the attacker is preauthorized and his or her motivation is to help the organization and improve their security, he or she can be considered a white hat. In addition, a black hat hacker may have a significant amount of time focused on attacking the organization. In most cases, a PT may last 1 week to several weeks. Based on the timeallotted during the PT, a white hat may not have discovered more advanced timeintensive exposures.


It is also important to understand that not all penetration tests are carried out in the same manner or have the same purpose. White box penetration testing, also known as “overt” testing, is very thorough and comprehensive. The goal of the test is to examine every nook and cranny of the target’s system or network. This type of test is valuable in assessing the overall  security of an organization. Because stealth is not a concern .By disregarding stealth in favor of thoroughness the  penetration tester is often able to discover more vulnerabilities. The downside to this type of test is that it does not provide a very accurate simulation of how most modern day, skilled attackers exploit networks. It also does not provide a chance for the organization to test its incident response or early-alert systems. Remember, the tester is not trying to be stealthy. The tester is attempting to be thorough 

Black box penetration testing, also known as “covert” testing, employs a significantly different strategy. A black box test is a much more realistic simulation of the way a skilled attacker would attempt to gain access to the target systems and network. This type of test trades thoroughness and the ability to detect multiple vulnerabilities for stealth and pin-point precision. Black box testing typically only requires the tester to locate and exploit a single vulnerability. The benefit to this type of test is that it more closely models how a realworld attack takes place. Not many attackers today will scan all 65,535 ports on a target. Doing so is loud and will almost certainly be detected by firewalls and intrusion detection systems. Skilled malicious hackers are much more discrete. They may only scan a single port or interrogate a single service to find a way of compromising and owning the target. Black box testing also has the advantage of allowing a company to test its incident response procedures and to determine if their defenses are capable of detecting and stopping a targeted attack.

Clearly defining and understanding the scope of the test is crucial. The scope formally defines the rules of engagement for both the penetration tester and the client. It should include a target list as well as specifically listing any systems or attacks which the client does not want to be included in the test. The scope should be written down and signed by authorized personnel from both the testing team and the client. Occasionally, the scope will need to be amended during a penetration test. When this occurs, be sure to update the scope and resign before proceeding to test the new targets. 

Ultimately, penetration testing should play an important role in the overall security of your organization. Just as policies, risk assessments, business continuity planning, and disaster recovery have become integral components in keeping your organization safe and secure, penetration testing needs to be included in your overall security plan as well. Penetration testing allows you to view your organization through the eyes of the enemy. This process can lead to many surprising discoveries and give you the time needed to patch your systems before a real attacker can strike.



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