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Encryption - An Introduction

Encryption powers the modern internet. Without the ability to exchange data packets privately and securely, e-commerce would not exist, and users wouldn’t be able to safely authenticate themselves to internet sites. The HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure is the most widely used form of encryption on the web. Web servers and web browsers universally support HTTPS, so the developer can divert all traffic to that protocol and guarantee secure communication for their users. A web developer who wants to use HTTPS on their site needs only to obtain a certificate from a certificate authority and install it with their hosting provider. The ease with which you can get started using encryption belies the complexity of what is happening when a website and user agent interact over HTTPS. Modern cryptography—the study of methods of encrypting and decrypting data—depends on techniques developed and actively researched by mathematicians and security professionals. Thankfully, the abstracted layers of the Internet Protocol mean you don’t need to know linear algebra or number theory to use their discoveries. But the more you understand about the underlying algorithms, the more you will be able to preempt potential risks.

Encryption in the Internet Protocol

Recall that messages sent over the internet are split into data packets and directed toward their eventual destination via the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). The recipient computer assembles these TCP packets back into the original message. TCP doesn’t dictate how the data being sent is meant to be interpreted. For that to happen, both computers need to agree on how to interpret the data being sent, using a higher-level protocol such as HTTP. TCP also does nothing to disguise the content of the packets being sent. Unsecured TCP conversations are vulnerable to man-in-themiddle attacks, whereby malicious third parties intercept and read the packets as they are transmitted. To avoid this, HTTP conversations between a browser and a web server are secured by Transport Layer Security (TLS), a method of encryption that provides both privacy (by ensuring data packets can’t be deciphered by a third party) and data integrity (by ensuring that any attempt to tamper with the packets in transit will be detectable). HTTP conversations conducted using TLS are called HTTP Secure (HTTPS) conversations. When your web browser connects to an HTTPS website, the browser and web server negotiate which encryption algorithms to use as part of the TLS handshake—the exchange of data packets that occurs when a TLS conversation is initiated. To make sense of what happens during the TLS handshake, we need to take a brief detour into the various types of encryption algorithms. Time for some light mathematics!


Encryption Algorithms, Hashing, and Message Authentication Codes

An encryption algorithm takes input data and scrambles it by using an encryption key—a secret shared between two parties wishing to initiate secure communication. The scrambled output is indecipherable to anyone without a decryption key—the corresponding key required to unscramble the data. The input data and keys are typically encoded as binary data, though the keys may be expressed as strings of text for readability. Many encryption algorithms exist, and more continue to be invented by mathematicians and security researchers. They can be classified into a few categories: symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms (for ciphering data), hash functions (for fingerprinting data and building other cryptographic algorithms), and message authentication codes (for ensuring data integrity).


Symmetric Encryption Algorithms

 A symmetric encryption algorithm uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt data. Symmetric encryption algorithms usually operate as block ciphers: they break the input data into fixed-size blocks that can be individually encrypted. (If the last block of input data is undersized, it will be padded to fill out the block size.) This makes them suitable for processing streams of data, including TCP data packets. Symmetric algorithms are designed for speed but have one major security flaw: the decryption key must be given to the receiving party before they decrypt the data stream. If the decryption key is shared over the internet, potential attackers will have an opportunity to steal the key, which allows them to decrypt any further messages. Not good.

Asymmetric Encryption

Algorithms In response to the threat of decryption keys being stolen, asymmetric encryption algorithms were developed. Asymmetric algorithms use different keys to encrypt and decrypt data. An asymmetric algorithm allows a piece of software such as a web server to publish its encryption key freely, while keeping its decryption key a secret. Any user agent looking to send secure messages to the server can encrypt those messages by using the server’s encryption key, secure in the knowledge that nobody (not even themselves!) will be able to decipher the data being sent, because the decryption key is kept secret. This is sometimes described as public-key cryptography: the encryption key (the public key) can be published; only the decryption key (the private key) needs to be kept secret.

Hash Functions

Related to encryption algorithms are cryptographic hash functions, which can be thought of as encryption algorithms whose output cannot be decrypted. Hash functions also have a couple of other interesting properties: the output of the algorithm (the hashed value) is always a fixed size, regardless of the size of input data; and the chances of getting the same output value, given different input values, is astronomically small. Why on earth would you want to encrypt data you couldn’t subsequently decrypt? Well, it’s a neat way to generate a “fingerprint” for input data. If you need to check that two separate inputs are the same but don’t want to store the raw input values for security reasons, you can verify that both inputs produce the same hashed value.

Message Authentication Codes

Message authentication code (MAC) algorithms are similar to (and generally built on top of) cryptographic hash functions, in that they map input data of an arbitrary length to a unique, fixed-sized output. This output is itself called a message authentication code. MAC algorithms are more specialized than hash functions, however, because recalculating a MAC requires a secret key. This means that only the parties in possession of the secret key can generate or check the validity of message authentication codes. MAC algorithms are used to ensure that the data packets transmitted on the internet cannot be forged or tampered with by an attacker. To use a MAC algorithm, the sending and receiving computers exchange a shared, secret key—usually as part of the TLS handshake. (The secret key will itself be encrypted before it is sent, to avoid the risk of it being stolen.) From that point onward, the sender will generate a MAC for each data packet being sent and attach the MAC to the packet. Because the recipient computer has the same key, it can recalculate the MAC from the message. If the calculated MAC differs from the value attached to the packet, this is evidence that the packet has been tampered with or corrupted in some form, or it was not sent by the original computer. Hence, the recipient rejects the data packet.

The TLS Handshake TLS uses a combination of cryptographic algorithms to efficiently and safely pass information. For speed, most data packets passed over TLS will be encrypted using a symmetric encryption algorithm commonly referred to as the block cipher, since it encrypts “blocks” of streaming information. Recall that symmetric encryption algorithms are vulnerable to having their encryption keys stolen by malicious users eavesdropping on the conversation. To safely pass the encryption/decryption key for the block cipher, TLS will encrypt the key by using an asymmetric algorithm before passing it to the recipient. Finally, data packets passed using TLS will be tagged using a message authentication code, to detect if any data has been tampered with. At the start of a TLS conversation, the browser and website perform a TLS handshake to determine how they should communicate. In the first stage of the handshake, the browser will list multiple cipher suites that it supports. Let’s drill down on what this means

Cipher Suites

A cipher suite is a set of algorithms used to secure communication. Under the TLS standard, a cipher suite consists of three separate algorithms. The first algorithm, the key-exchange algorithm, is an asymmetric encryption algorithm. This is used by communicating computers to exchange secret keys for the second encryption algorithm: the symmetric block cipher designed for encrypting the content of TCP packets. Finally, the cipher suite specifies a MAC algorithm for authenticating the encrypted messages. Let’s make this more concrete. A modern web browser such as Google Chrome that supports TLS 1.3 offers numerous cipher suites. At the time of writing, one of these suites goes by the catchy name of ECDHE-ECDSAAES128-GCM-SHA256. This particular cipher suite includes ECDHE-RSA as the key-exchange algorithm, AES-128-GCM as the block cipher, and SHA-256 as the message authentication algorithm. Want some more, entirely unnecessary, detail? Well, ECDHE stands for Elliptic Curve Diffie–Hellman Exchange (a modern method of establishing a shared secret over an insecure channel). RSA stands for the Rivest–Shamir– Adleman algorithm (the first practical asymmetric encryption algorithm, invented by three mathematicians in the 1970s after drinking a lot of Passover wine). AES stands for the Advanced Encryption Standard (an algorithm invented by two Belgian cryptographers and selected by the National Institute of Standards and Technology through a three-year review process). This particular variant uses a 128-bit key in Galois/Counter Mode, which is specified by GCM in the name. Finally, SHA-256 stands for the Secure Hash Algorithm (a hash function with a 256-bit word size)

Session Initiation

 Let’s continue where we left off. In the second stage of the TLS handshake, the web server selects the most secure cipher suite it can support and then instructs the browser to use those algorithms for communication. At the same time, the server passes back a digital certificate, containing the server name, the trusted certificate authority that will vouch for the authenticity of the certificate, and the web server’s encryption key to be used in the keyexchange algorithm. Once the browser verifies the authenticity of the certificate, the two computers generate a session key that will be used to encrypt the TLS conversation with the chosen block cipher. (Note that this session key is different from the HTTP session identifier discussed in previous chapters. TLS handshakes occur at a lower level of the Internet Protocol than the HTTP conversation, which has not begun yet.) The session key is a large random number generated by the browser, encrypted with the (public) encryption key attached to the digital certificate using the key-exchange algorithm, and transmitted to the server.


Enabling HTTPS


Securing traffic for your website is a lot easier than understanding the underlying encryption algorithms. Most modern web browsers are selfupdating; the development teams for each major browser will be on the cutting edge of supporting modern TLS standards. The latest version of your web server software will support similarly modern TLS algorithms. That means that the only responsibility left to you as a developer is to obtain a digital certificate and install it on your web server. Let’s discuss how to do that and illuminate why certificates are necessary.

Digital Certificates

A digital certificate (also known as a public-key certificate) is an electronic document used to prove ownership of a public encryption key. Digital certificates are used in TLS to associate encryption keys with internet domains (such as They are issued by certificate authorities, which act as a trusted third party between a browser and a website, vouching that a given encryption key should be used to encrypt data being sent to the website’s domain. Browser software will trust a few hundred certificate authorities— for example, Comodo, DigiCert, and, more recently, the nonprofit Let’s Encrypt.



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